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Tensorflow Object-Detection API - How does the Fine-Tuning of a model works?

This is a more general question about the Tensorflow Object-Detection API.

I am using this API, to be more concrete I fine-tune a model to my dataset. According to the description of the API, I use the model_main.py function to retrain a model from a given checkpoint/frozen graph.

However, it is not clear for me how the fine-tuning is working within the API. Does a re-initialization of the last layer happen automatically or do I have to implement something like ? In the README files I did not find any hint concerning this topic. Maybe somebody could help me.

like image 810
david Avatar asked May 06 '19 20:05


People also ask

What is fine-tuning in object detection model?

Fine-Tuning: Unfreeze a few of the top layers of a frozen model base and jointly train both the newly-added classifier layers and the last layers of the base model. This allows us to "fine-tune" the higher-order feature representations in the base model in order to make them more relevant for the specific task.

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A last, optional step, is fine-tuning, which consists of unfreezing the entire model you obtained above (or part of it), and re-training it on the new data with a very low learning rate. This can potentially achieve meaningful improvements, by incrementally adapting the pretrained features to the new data.

What is fine tune checkpoint?

This section describes more precise adjustment of the rules for Data Loss Prevention. Check Point Software Blade on a Security Gateway that detects and prevents the unauthorized transmission of confidential information outside the organization. Acronym: DLP. in your organization.

1 Answers

Training from stratch or training from a checkpoint, model_main.py is the main program, besides this program, all you need is a correct pipeline config file.

So for fine-tuning, it can be separated into two steps, restoring weights and updating weights. Both steps can be customly configured according to the train proto file, this proto corresponds to train_config in the pipeline config file.

train_config: {
   batch_size: 24
   optimizer { }
   fine_tune_checkpoint: "PATH_TO_BE_CONFIGURED/model.ckpt"
   fine_tune_checkpoint_type:  "detection"
   # Note: The below line limits the training process to 200K steps, which we
   # empirically found to be sufficient enough to train the pets dataset. This
   # effectively bypasses the learning rate schedule (the learning rate will
   # never decay). Remove the below line to train indefinitely.
   num_steps: 200000
   data_augmentation_options {}

Step 1, restoring weights.

In this step, you can config the variables to be restored by setting fine_tune_checkpoint_type, the options are detection and classification. By setting it to detection essentially you can restore almost all variables from the checkpoint, and by setting it to classification, only variables from the feature_extractor scope are restored, (all the layers in backbone networks, like VGG, Resnet, MobileNet, they are called feature extractors).

Previously this is controlled by from_detection_checkpoint and load_all_detection_checkpoint_vars, but these two fields are deprecated.

Also notice that after you configured the fine_tune_checkpoint_type, the actual restoring operation would check if the variable in the graph exists in the checkpoint, and if not, the variable would be initialized with routine initialization operation.

Give an example, suppose you want to fine-tune a ssd_mobilenet_v1_custom_data model and you downloaded the checkpoint ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco, when you set fine_tune_checkpoint_type: detection, then all variables in the graph that are also available in the checkpoint file will be restored, and the box predictor (last layer) weights will also be restored. But if you set fine_tune_checkpoint_type: classification, then only the weights for mobilenet layers are restored. But if you use a different model checkpoint, say faster_rcnn_resnet_xxx, then because variables in the graph are not available in the checkpoint, you will see the output log saying Variable XXX is not available in checkpoint warning, and they won't be restored.

Step 2, updating weights

Now you have all weights restored and you want to keep training (fine-tuning) on your own dataset, normally this should be enough.

But if you want to experiment with something and you want to freeze some layers during training, then you can customize the training by setting freeze_variables. Say you want to freeze all the weights of the mobilenet and only updating the weights for the box predictor, you can set freeze_variables: [feature_extractor] so that all variables that have feature_extractor in their names won't be updated. For detailed info, please see another answer that I wrote.

So to fine-tune a model on your custom dataset, you should prepare a custom config file. You can start with the sample config files and then modify some fields to suit your needs.

like image 186
danyfang Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
