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Tensorflow 2.0 ValueError while Loading weights from .h5 file

I have a VAE architecture script as follows:

import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Conv2D, Flatten, Dense, Conv2DTranspose, Lambda, Reshape, Layer
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K

INPUT_DIM = (64,64,3)

CONV_FILTERS = [32,64,64, 128]
CONV_STRIDES = [2,2,2,2]
CONV_ACTIVATIONS = ['relu','relu','relu','relu']


CONV_T_FILTERS = [64,64,32,3]
CONV_T_STRIDES = [2,2,2,2]
CONV_T_ACTIVATIONS = ['relu','relu','relu','sigmoid']

Z_DIM = 32


class Sampling(Layer):
    def call(self, inputs):
        mu, log_var = inputs
        epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=K.shape(mu), mean=0., stddev=1.)
        return mu + K.exp(log_var / 2) * epsilon

class VAEModel(Model):

    def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, r_loss_factor, **kwargs):
        super(VAEModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.decoder = decoder
        self.r_loss_factor = r_loss_factor

    def train_step(self, data):
        if isinstance(data, tuple):
            data = data[0]
        def compute_kernel(x, y):
            x_size = tf.shape(x)[0]
            y_size = tf.shape(y)[0]
            dim = tf.shape(x)[1]
            tiled_x = tf.tile(tf.reshape(x, tf.stack([x_size, 1, dim])), tf.stack([1, y_size, 1]))
            tiled_y = tf.tile(tf.reshape(y, tf.stack([1, y_size, dim])), tf.stack([x_size, 1, 1]))
            return tf.exp(-tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tiled_x - tiled_y), axis=2) / tf.cast(dim, tf.float32))

        def compute_mmd(x, y):
            x_kernel = compute_kernel(x, x)
            y_kernel = compute_kernel(y, y)
            xy_kernel = compute_kernel(x, y)
            return tf.reduce_mean(x_kernel) + tf.reduce_mean(y_kernel) - 2 * tf.reduce_mean(xy_kernel)

        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            z_mean, z_log_var, z = self.encoder(data)
            reconstruction = self.decoder(z)
            reconstruction_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.square(data - reconstruction), axis = [1,2,3]
            reconstruction_loss *= self.r_loss_factor
            kl_loss = 1 + z_log_var - tf.square(z_mean) - tf.exp(z_log_var)
            kl_loss = tf.reduce_sum(kl_loss, axis = 1)
            kl_loss *= -0.5

            true_samples = tf.random.normal(tf.stack([BATCH_SIZE, Z_DIM]))
            loss_mmd = compute_mmd(true_samples, z)

            total_loss = reconstruction_loss + loss_mmd
        grads = tape.gradient(total_loss, self.trainable_weights)
        self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.trainable_weights))
        return {
            "loss": total_loss,
            "reconstruction_loss": reconstruction_loss,
            "kl_loss": kl_loss,
            "mmd_loss": loss_mmd
    def call(self,inputs):
        latent = self.encoder(inputs)
        return self.decoder(latent)

class VAE():
    def __init__(self):
        self.models = self._build()
        self.full_model = self.models[0]
        self.encoder = self.models[1]
        self.decoder = self.models[2]

        self.input_dim = INPUT_DIM
        self.z_dim = Z_DIM
        self.learning_rate = LEARNING_RATE
        self.kl_tolerance = KL_TOLERANCE

    def _build(self):
        vae_x = Input(shape=INPUT_DIM, name='observation_input')
        vae_c1 = Conv2D(filters = CONV_FILTERS[0], kernel_size = CONV_KERNEL_SIZES[0], strides = CONV_STRIDES[0], activation=CONV_ACTIVATIONS[0], name='conv_layer_1')(vae_x)
        vae_c2 = Conv2D(filters = CONV_FILTERS[1], kernel_size = CONV_KERNEL_SIZES[1], strides = CONV_STRIDES[1], activation=CONV_ACTIVATIONS[0], name='conv_layer_2')(vae_c1)
        vae_c3= Conv2D(filters = CONV_FILTERS[2], kernel_size = CONV_KERNEL_SIZES[2], strides = CONV_STRIDES[2], activation=CONV_ACTIVATIONS[0], name='conv_layer_3')(vae_c2)
        vae_c4= Conv2D(filters = CONV_FILTERS[3], kernel_size = CONV_KERNEL_SIZES[3], strides = CONV_STRIDES[3], activation=CONV_ACTIVATIONS[0], name='conv_layer_4')(vae_c3)

        vae_z_in = Flatten()(vae_c4)

        vae_z_mean = Dense(Z_DIM, name='mu')(vae_z_in)
        vae_z_log_var = Dense(Z_DIM, name='log_var')(vae_z_in)

        vae_z = Sampling(name='z')([vae_z_mean, vae_z_log_var])

        #### DECODER: 
        vae_z_input = Input(shape=(Z_DIM,), name='z_input')

        vae_dense = Dense(1024, name='dense_layer')(vae_z_input)
        vae_unflatten = Reshape((1,1,DENSE_SIZE), name='unflatten')(vae_dense)
        vae_d1 = Conv2DTranspose(filters = CONV_T_FILTERS[0], kernel_size = CONV_T_KERNEL_SIZES[0] , strides = CONV_T_STRIDES[0], activation=CONV_T_ACTIVATIONS[0], name='deconv_layer_1')(vae_unflatten)
        vae_d2 = Conv2DTranspose(filters = CONV_T_FILTERS[1], kernel_size = CONV_T_KERNEL_SIZES[1] , strides = CONV_T_STRIDES[1], activation=CONV_T_ACTIVATIONS[1], name='deconv_layer_2')(vae_d1)
        vae_d3 = Conv2DTranspose(filters = CONV_T_FILTERS[2], kernel_size = CONV_T_KERNEL_SIZES[2] , strides = CONV_T_STRIDES[2], activation=CONV_T_ACTIVATIONS[2], name='deconv_layer_3')(vae_d2)
        vae_d4 = Conv2DTranspose(filters = CONV_T_FILTERS[3], kernel_size = CONV_T_KERNEL_SIZES[3] , strides = CONV_T_STRIDES[3], activation=CONV_T_ACTIVATIONS[3], name='deconv_layer_4')(vae_d3)

        #### MODELS

        vae_encoder = Model(vae_x, [vae_z_mean, vae_z_log_var, vae_z], name = 'encoder')
        vae_decoder = Model(vae_z_input, vae_d4, name = 'decoder')

        vae_full = VAEModel(vae_encoder, vae_decoder, 10000)

        opti = Adam(lr=LEARNING_RATE)
        return (vae_full,vae_encoder, vae_decoder)

    def set_weights(self, filepath):

    def train(self, data):

        self.full_model.fit(data, data,
    def save_weights(self, filepath):


vae = VAE()


line 2200, in load_weights
    'Unable to load weights saved in HDF5 format into a subclassed ' ValueError: Unable to load weights saved in HDF5 format into a
subclassed Model which has not created its variables yet. Call the
Model first, then load the weights.

I am not sure what this means since I am not that proficient in OOP. The surprising bit is that the above code was working until it stopped working. The model is training from scratch and it saves the weights in filepath. But when I am loading the same weights now it is throwing the above error!

like image 864
Nirmal Roy Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 21:11

Nirmal Roy

2 Answers

If you set model.built = True prior to loading the model weights it works.

like image 87
Aaron Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 23:03


What version of TF are you running? For a while the default saving format was hdf5, but this format cannot support subclassed models as easily, so you get this error. It may be solvable by first training it on a single batch and then loading the weights (to determine how the parts are connected, which is not saved in hdf5).

In the future I would recommend making sure that all saves are done with the TF file format though, it will save you from extra work.

like image 38
alwaysmvp45 Avatar answered Mar 02 '23 01:03
