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Fill dictionary with value from the same row, but different column

Lately I've been trying to map some values, so I'm trying to create a dictionary to do so. The odd thing is my DataFrame has a column made of lists, and DataFrames are always a bit awkward with lists. The DataFrame has the following structure:

    rules          procedure
['10','11','12']       1
['13','14']            2
['20','21','22','24']  3

So I want to create a dictionary that maps '10' to 1, '14' to 2, and so on. I tried the following:

for j in df['rules']:
    for i,k in zip(j,df.procedure):

But that isn't making it. Probably something to do with indexes. What am I missing?

Edit: I'm trying to create a dictionary that maps the values '10', '11', '12' to 1; '13','14' to 2; '20','21','22','24' to 3, so if I typedicc['10'] I get 1, if I typedicc['22'] I get 3. Obviously, the actual DataFrame is quite bigger and I can't do it manually.

like image 850
Juan C Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 21:11

Juan C

2 Answers

You can do it like this:

import pandas as pd

data = [[['10', '11', '12'], 1],
        [['13', '14'], 2],
        [['20', '21', '22', '24'], 3]]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=['rules', 'procedure'])

d = {r : p for rs, p in df[['rules', 'procedure']].values for r in rs}


{'20': 3, '10': 1, '11': 1, '24': 3, '14': 2, '22': 3, '13': 2, '12': 1, '21': 3}


  • The code {r : p for rs, p in df[['rules', 'procedure']].values for r in rs} is a dictionary comprehension, the dictionary counterpart of list.
  • The df[['rules', 'procedure']].values is equivalent to zip(df.rules, df.procedure) it outputs a pair of list, int. So the rs variable is a list and p is an integer.
  • Finally you iterate over the values of rs using the second for loop


As suggested for @piRSquared you can use zip:

d = {r : p for rs, p in zip(df.rules, df.procedure) for r in rs}
like image 170
Dani Mesejo Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 23:12

Dani Mesejo

Help from cytoolz

from cytoolz.dicttoolz import merge

merge(*map(dict.fromkeys, df.rules, df.procedure))

{'10': 1,
 '11': 1,
 '12': 1,
 '13': 2,
 '14': 2,
 '20': 3,
 '21': 3,
 '22': 3,
 '24': 3}


I updated my post to mimic how @jpp passed multiple iterables to map. @jpp's answer is very good. Though I'd advocate for upvoting all useful answers, I wish I could upvote their answer again (-:

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piRSquared Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 22:12
