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Template arguments of the first template type

I am using an an API that takes a function with a single argument as a callback. The callback takes a single argument of a certain type, and for simplicity, I'll say it returns a bool. The main thing I was trying to put together was a range checking function. My intuition would be to write something like this:

template<class T, T min, T max>
constexpr bool in_range(T val) {
    return (val >= min && val <= max);

static_assert(in_range<float, 0.0f, 1.0f>(0.5f), "doesn't work")

However, that doesn't work, so I defaulted to creating a function this way.

template<class T>
std::function<bool(T)> in_range(T min, T max) {
    auto test = [min, max](T val) {
        return (val >= min && val <= max);
    return test;

assert(in_range<float>(0.0f, 1.0f)(0.5f))

Is there a way to write the function more in the form of the first function, so I'm not depending on std::function and lambdas generated at runtime?

like image 439
dfreese Avatar asked May 09 '18 18:05


2 Answers

As floats aren't allowed as template non-type parameters, you'd have to take them as actual function arguments rather than template parameters.

If you want to have a function which only takes one argument, you can avoid the cost of the std::function by returning the lambda directly. If we were using C++14, you could just make it return auto:

template<class T>
auto in_range(T min, T max) { // Note: could be `constexpr` in C++17
    return [min, max](T val) {
        return (val >= min && val <= max);

However, since you are using C++11, you'd have to write out the callable type manually:

template <typename T>
class InRange {
    constexpr InRange(T min, T max)
        : min(std::move(min))
        , max(std::move(max))

    constexpr bool operator()(T const& val) const {
        return (val >= min && val <= max);

    T min;
    T max;

template<class T>
constexpr InRange<T> in_range(T min, T max) {
    return InRange<T>(std::move(min), std::move(max));
like image 90
Justin Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09


Is there a way to write the function more in the form of the first function, so I'm not depending on std::function and lambdas generated at runtime?

If you can pass static global variables as template argument instead of float literals, you can pass they by reference

Something as follows

#include <iostream>

template <typename T, T const & min, T const & max>
constexpr bool in_range (T val)
 { return (val >= min && val <= max); }

static constexpr float  f0 { 0.0f };
static constexpr float  f1 { 1.0f };

int main ()
   static_assert(in_range<float, f0, f1>(0.5f), "!");
like image 22
max66 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09
