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Telerik Controls with ASP.NET MVC: Does this violate the MVC model?

  1. Will using MVC enabled Telerik controls with ASP.NET MVC violate the MVC model?

  2. And if not, what kind of performance hit (versus features and development speed) will there be with using Telerik controls over manually coding the HTML?

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RichC Avatar asked Feb 04 '09 04:02


1 Answers

Since I am the person who built that demo I think I can share my opinion as well. This sample application does not violate the MVC principles according to me. RadControls do not rely on ViewState or postbacks in MVC applications (you can check the generated output to see for yourself - no __doPostBack or __VIEWSTATE). Indeed you need to write some code to bind the grid or populate the menu - but still the code is in the View (ASPX) and is entirely related with the presentation (again this is just my opinion so I might be wrong).

I should also mention that there are some limitations indeed - some of the built-in features (that rely on postback) do not work in MVC. However will work on resolving them. Feel free to open a support ticket or forum thread should you have any particular questions with regards to RadControls and ASP.NET MVC.

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Atanas Korchev Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

Atanas Korchev