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T[].Contains for struct and class behaving differently

This is a followup question to this: List<T>.Contains and T[].Contains behaving differently

T[].Contains is behaving differently when T is class and struct. Suppose I have this struct:

public struct Animal : IEquatable<Animal>
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool Equals(Animal other) //<- he is the man
        return Name == other.Name;
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return Equals((Animal)obj);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Name == null ? 0 : Name.GetHashCode();

var animals = new[] { new Animal { Name = "Fred" } };

animals.Contains(new Animal { Name = "Fred" }); // calls Equals(Animal)

Here, generic Equals is rightly called as I expected.

But in case of a class:

public class Animal : IEquatable<Animal>
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool Equals(Animal other)
        return Name == other.Name;
    public override bool Equals(object obj) //<- he is the man
        return Equals((Animal)obj);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Name == null ? 0 : Name.GetHashCode();

var animals = new[] { new Animal { Name = "Fred" } };

animals.Contains(new Animal { Name = "Fred" }); // calls Equals(object)

The non generic Equals is called, taking away the benefit of implementing `IEquatable.

Why is array calling Equals differently for struct[] and class[], even though both the collections seem to look generic?

The array weirdness is so frustrating that I'm thinking of avoiding it totally...

Note: The generic version of Equals is called only when the struct implements IEquatable<T>. If the type doesn't implement IEquatable<T>, non-generic overload of Equals is called irrespective of whether it is class or struct.

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nawfal Avatar asked Nov 10 '13 09:11


People also ask

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1 Answers

It appears that it's not actually Array.IndexOf() that ends up getting called. Looking at the source for that, I would have expected the Equals(object) to get called in both cases if that were the case. By looking at the stack trace at the point where the Equals gets called, it makes it more clear why you're getting the behavior you're seeing (value type gets Equals(Animal), but reference type gets Equals(object).

Here is the stack trace for the value type (struct Animal)

at Animal.Equals(Animal other)
at System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1.IndexOf(T[] array, T value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 count)
at System.Array.IndexOf[T](T[] array, T value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 count)
at System.Array.IndexOf[T](T[] array, T value)
at System.SZArrayHelper.Contains[T](T value)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, TSource value) 

Here is the stack trace for the reference type (object Animal)

at Animal.Equals(Object obj)
at System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1.IndexOf(T[] array, T value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 count)
at System.Array.IndexOf[T](T[] array, T value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 count)
at System.Array.IndexOf[T](T[] array, T value)
at System.SZArrayHelper.Contains[T](T value)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, TSource value)

From this you can see that it's not Array.IndexOf that's getting called - it's Array.IndexOf[T]. That method does end up using Equality comparers. In the case of the reference type, it uses ObjectEqualityComparer which call Equals(object). In the case of the value type, it uses GenericEqualityComparer which calls Equals(Animal), presumably to avoid an expensive boxing.

If you look at the source code for IEnumerable at http://www.dotnetframework.org it has this interesting bit at the top:

// Note that T[] : IList<t>, and we want to ensure that if you use
// IList<yourvaluetype>, we ensure a YourValueType[] can be used
// without jitting.  Hence the TypeDependencyAttribute on SZArrayHelper.
// This is a special hack internally though - see VM\compile.cpp.
// The same attribute is on IList<t> and ICollection<t>.

I'm not familiar with TypeDependencyAttribute, but from the comment, I'm wondering if there is some magic going on that's special for Array. This may explain how IndexOf[T] ends up getting called instead of IndexOf via Array's IList.Contains.

like image 157
hatchet - done with SOverflow Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 14:11

hatchet - done with SOverflow