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"takeWhile" within a list comprehension

I have something like the following:

[bla z|n<-[0..], let z = foo n, z < 42]

The thing is, I want the list comprehension to end as soon as z < 42 fails, as if it were a takeWhile. I know I could refactor this into a bunch of filters and maps, but it will be much more elegant with a list comprehension.

What is the most elegant way to combine list comprehensions and takeWhile?

like image 424
PyRulez Avatar asked Dec 25 '22 21:12


1 Answers

Since list comprehensions do not allow this, I have hacked a bit using monad comprehensions and defining a custom monad. The outcome of that is that the following works:

example :: [Int]
example = toList [1000 + n 
                 | n <- fromList [0..]
                 , _ <- nonStopGuard (n > 1)
                 , let z = 10*n
                 , _ <- stopGuard (z < 42) ]

-- Output: [1002,1003,1004]

The above works as a normal list comprehension, but has two different kinds of guard. A nonStopGuard works as a regular guard, except for requiring a bizarre syntax. A stopGuard instead does something more: as soon as it become false, it stops further choices in the previous generators (such as <-[0..]) to be considered.

The small library I wrote is shown below:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, MonadComprehensions #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative

data F a = F [a] Bool
  deriving (Functor, Show)

The Bool above is a stop bit, signaling we must stop considering further choices.

instance Applicative F where pure = return; (<*>) = ap
instance Monad F where
   return x = F [x] False
   F [] s      >>= _ = F [] s
   F (x:xs) sx >>= f = F (ys ++ zs) (sx || sy || sz)
      F ys sy = f x
      F zs sz = if sy then F [] False else F xs sx >>= f

The last if will discard the xs part when f x signals to stop.

nonStopGuard :: Bool -> F ()
nonStopGuard True  = F [()] False
nonStopGuard False = F []   False

A regular guard never signals to stop. It just provides one or zero choices.

stopGuard :: Bool -> F ()
stopGuard True  = F [()] False
stopGuard False = F [] True

A stopping guard instead signals to stop as soon as it becomes false.

fromList :: [a] -> F a
fromList xs = F xs False

toList :: F a -> [a]
toList (F xs _) = xs

Last caveat: I'm not completely sure my monad instance defines an actual monad, i.e. whether it satisfies the monad laws.

Following the suggestion of @icktoofay, I wrote a few quickcheck tests:

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (F a) where
   arbitrary = F <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

instance Show (a -> b) where
   show _ = "function"

prop_monadRight :: F Int -> Bool
prop_monadRight m =
   (m >>= return) == m

prop_monadLeft :: Int -> (Int -> F Int) -> Bool
prop_monadLeft x f =
   (return x >>= f) == f x

prop_monadAssoc :: F Int -> (Int -> F Int) -> (Int -> F Int) -> Bool
prop_monadAssoc m f g =
   ((m >>= f) >>= g)
   (m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g))

Running 100000 tests found no counterexamples. So, it's likely that the above F is an actual monad.

like image 106
chi Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 20:01
