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tail recursion performance on template meta-programming

A common compiler optimization is to transform tail-recursive functions into loops, speeding up the execution time and reducing memory (stack) consumption:

int go_to_zero( int n )
    if( n == 0 )
        return 0;
        return go_to_zero( n - 1 );

My question is simple: Is there any performance benefit (i.e. reducing compile time) doing tail-recursive algorithms on template meta-programming?

Here an example:

template<typename... Ts>
struct list {};

template<typename LIST>
struct reverse;

template<typename HEAD , typename... TAIL>
struct reverse<list<HEAD,TAIL...>>
    using result = concat<typename reverse<list<TAIL...>>::result,list<HEAD>>;

struct reverse<list<>>
    using result = list<>;


template<typename INPUT , typename OUTPUT>
struct reverse_impl;

template<typename HEAD , typename... TAIL , tyename... Ts>
struct reverse_impl<list<HEAD,TAIL...>,list<Ts...>>
    using result = typename reverse_impl<list<TAIL...>,list<Ts...,HEAD>>::result;

template<typename... Ts>
struct reverse_impl<list<>,list<Ts...>>
    using result = list<Ts...>;

template<typename LIST>
using reverse = typename reverse_impl<LIST,list<>>::result;
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Manu343726 Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 08:03


2 Answers

In C++ Template Metaprogramming Appendix C "Compile Time Performance" Abraham and Gurtovoy messured how memoization of template instantiation effects compile time. The book was written in 2005 and I think memoization is better implemented today (I didn't measure). So the question to answer is which implementation can benefit more from memoization. I have edited the code a little bit Version 1 and Version 2. Now it will emit an error when reverse_impl is instantiated, so we can simply count the errors. I reverse 2 lists list<int, short, char> and list<short, char>. Version 1 emits 4 errors and Version 2 emits 7 errors. In this particular case Version 1 benefits from memoization with these two lists (list2 is the tail of list1) and Version 2 doesn't. So I would expect Version 1 is faster.

So it would be best to implement algorithms in terms of other algorithms which are known to benefit from memoization and I think most of them use head recursion.

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Jan Herrmann Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Jan Herrmann

All the pros and cons of regular vs. tail recursion apply also to the metaprogramming. The difference in this case is that instead of the execution of a compiled program on a target machine, the program is executed in a compiler sand-box and compiles to the target language instead of to the machine language. This process is conceptually not much different from compiling a Java program into a bytecode.

C++ compilers have rather limited allowed depth of template nesting (~hundreds) and if the algorithm grows exponentially, it can be a blocker to usage of regular recursion; tail recursion might help here.

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SomeWittyUsername Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10
