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Get number of elements greater than a number

I am trying to solve the following problem: Numbers are being inserted into a container. Each time a number is inserted I need to know how many elements are in the container that are greater than or equal to the current number being inserted. I believe both operations can be done in logarithmic complexity.

My question: Are there standard containers in a C++ library that can solve the problem? I know that std::multiset can insert elements in logarithmic time, but how can you query it? Or should I implement a data structure (e.x. a binary search tree) to solve it?

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Ashot Avatar asked Jul 02 '13 14:07


People also ask

How do you count values greater than a number in Python?

Use COUNTIF to figure cells greater than some chosen figure Now COUNTIF function will count the number of cells in the selected data range that contain a numeric value greater than the specified numeric value in criterion expression and will return the result as a number.

How do you find the number of elements greater smaller than an element in an array?

The simplest trick is sort the array first and count the number of elements in the array. So for example if you have 10 elements then your first element is less than 9 and likewise the second element is smaller than 8 and so on.

How do you find the greater element in an array?

To find the largest element, the first two elements of array are checked and the largest of these two elements are placed in arr[0] the first and third elements are checked and largest of these two elements is placed in arr[0] . this process continues until the first and last elements are checked.

How do you count the number of elements in an array?

//Number of elements present in an array can be calculated as follows. int length = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

2 Answers

Here's a quick way using Policy-Based Data Structures in C++:

There exists something called as an Ordered Set, which lets you insert/remove elements in O(logN) time (and pretty much all other functions that std::set has to offer). It also gives 2 more features: Find the Kth element and **find the rank of the Xth element. The problem is that this doesn't allow duplicates :(

No Worries though! We will map duplicates with a separate index/priority, and define a new structure (call it Ordered Multiset)! I've attached my implementation below for reference.

Finally, every time you want to find the no of elements greater than say x, call the function upper_bound (No of elements less than or equal to x) and subtract this number from the size of your Ordered Multiset!

Note: PBDS use a lot of memory, so that is a constraint, I'd suggest using a Binary Search Tree or a Fenwick Tree.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace __gnu_pbds;

struct ordered_multiset { // multiset supporting duplicating values in set
    int len = 0;
    const int ADD = 1000010;
    const int MAXVAL = 1000000010;
    unordered_map<int, int> mp; // hash = 96814
    tree<int, null_type, less<int>, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update> T;

    ordered_multiset() { len = 0; T.clear(), mp.clear(); }

    inline void insert(int x){
        len++, x += MAXVAL;
        int c = mp[x]++;
        T.insert((x * ADD) + c); }

    inline void erase(int x){
        x += MAXVAL;
        int c = mp[x];
        if(c) {
            c--, mp[x]--, len--;
            T.erase((x*ADD) + c); } }

    inline int kth(int k){        // 1-based index,  returns the
        if(k<1 || k>len) return -1;     // K'th element in the treap,
        auto it = T.find_by_order(--k); // -1 if none exists
        return ((*it)/ADD) - MAXVAL; } 

    inline int lower_bound(int x){      // Count of value <x in treap
        x += MAXVAL;
        int c = mp[x];
        return (T.order_of_key((x*ADD)+c)); }

    inline int upper_bound(int x){      // Count of value <=x in treap
        x += MAXVAL;
        int c = mp[x];
        return (T.order_of_key((x*ADD)+c)); }

    inline int size() { return len; }   // Number of elements in treap


    ordered_multiset s;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        int x; cin>>x;
        int ctr = s.size() - s.upper_bound(x);
        cout<<ctr<<" ";

Input (n = 6) : 10 1 3 3 2
Output : 0 1 1 1 3

Time Complexity : O(log n) per query/insert

References : mochow13's GitHub

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relaxxpls Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


Great question. I do not think there is anything in STL which would suit your needs (provided you MUST have logarithmic times). I think the best solution then, as aschepler says in comments, is to implement a RB tree. You may have a look at STL source code, particularly on stl_tree.h to see whether you could use bits of it.

Better still, look at : (Rank Tree in C++)

Which contains link to implementation:


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ondrejdee Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
