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How to Use unique rules in active record yii2

validation yii2 unique

yii\base\ErrorException - Class 'app\controllers\EntryForm' not found

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How to put custom HTML into Yii2 GridView header?

Yii2 cUrl Bad Request (#400)

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Yii2 Multiple instances of the same model

Yii2 how to map HTML anchor tag to yii2 html::a() tag


Yii2: ActiveForm field numeric, length => 8

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How to flush db query cache in yii2?

yii2 query-cache

Composer fail on update with "npm-signature" error

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trigger active form validation manually before submit


Paging and Filter in Yii2 Gridview

checking checkboxList in Yii2 at the time of updating post?

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Yii2 remove index.php from url

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yii2: how to creating a back link button

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how to define a scenario in Yii2? [duplicate]


Setting aliases in Yii2 within the app config file

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Yii2 How can i add a class to Label of a Menu items


How to know which version of yii2 is being used and how to upgrade to the latest version of yii2?


How can I save an encrypted data using Yii::$app->security->encryptByKey() in Yii2

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Yii2 innerJoin()

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