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Perl newXS() with closure added

c++ perl xs

How to manually install XS modules?

perl module perl-module xs

Perl XS unused variable 'Perl___notused' warnings

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Support autovivified filehandle as arguments to Perl XS routine

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Making an old library work with Perl XS and PerlIO

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XS Memory leak in this code?

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Call a perl routine with parameters

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Why do XS subs use const char *?

perl xs

Why include SvSETMAGIC() on output variables in an XSUB?

perl xs

Can I use a module, and later unload it shrinking the optree?


perl xs

Safely freeing resources in XS code (running destructors on scope exit)

c perl destructor xs perl-xs

Is there a way to access special tokens in perl from XS?

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How can I pass an array to a C function in Perl XS?

perl xs

How to introspect regexes in the Perl API

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Perl XS and Inline::C

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How do I trace through an XS .so file?

How can I create a qr// in Perl 5.12 from C?

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How can I use a C++ class from Perl?

c++ perl xs

How to use B::Hooks to manipulate the perl parser

perl xs