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New posts in xml-rpc

Python xmlrpclib changes datetime object to DateTime instance on transmit

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'Binary' [closed]

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Wordpress XMLRPC advice needed

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How to create a jabber/XMPP proxy/logging service?

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XML-RPC - cannot marshal recursive dictionaries

java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Object;

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How can I transfer binary data over xmlrpc (python)?

XML-RPC library for C++ [closed]

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Supervisord RPC - UNKNOWN_METHOD on any request

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How to independently use single Zend Framework component like XML-RPC or REST?

VB.NET function that takes other functions as a parameter, and executes them

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How to export a Confluence "Space" to PDF using remote API

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Convert CookComputing XMLRpcStruct (IEnumerable<Object>) to an actual C# class

c# .net .net-4.5 xml-rpc

how can I post html content to wordpress with xmlrpc?

wordpress xml-rpc html-post

Is it helpful to use ZeroMQ to build a peer-to-peer workload scheduler?

Can CSV data be sent to OpenERP/Odoo through the API?

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Is It Possible To Use Celery With Another Programming Language?

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Multithreading problems with xmlrpclib.ServerProxy under python 2.7

Implementation of C# XMLRPC.NET client and server over HTTPS

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Odoo 10 - Call method from XMLRPC

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