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New posts in xcode-ui-testing

Updating location in simulator during executing of UI Test

Insert mock data into Core Data in UI Test

Stop scrolling on UITableView at last during XCUI TestCase

How can I test for the existence of a UIView using XCUIElementsQuery?

Wait for all HTTP requests to finish in XCode UI tests?

How to wait under UITests in Xcode until some view will be visible for tap?

ios swift xcode-ui-testing

DOMException 105 only during UI Tests

How to access a right item button on navigation bar in XCUITest?

iOS 9 UI Testing - Test Fails Because Target Control Isn't Available (yet)

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How to get index of XCUIElement in XCUIElementQuery?

Accessing nested UIElements in Xcode 7 UI Testing

How do I get the number of elements matching an identifier, say "fooImage" returned by an XCUIQuery?

XCUITest - neither element nor descendant has keyboard focus

Xcode UI Test - How to Find and tap() an Element Inside a WebView