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New posts in ws-federation

Add Owin Pipeline Middleware after OwinStartup for new Tenant

Difference between WS-Trust, WS-Fed and SAML 1.1/ 2.0 protocols

WsFederation authentication in Service Fabric Owin Pipeline not working

Add roles to ADFS IPrincipal

AspNetCore.WsFederation get signin-wsfed redirect to HTTP when original request is HTTPS

Prevent XmlHttpRequest redirect response in .Net MVC WS-Federation Site

asp.net-mvc ws-federation

Transparent SSO with SAML (IE, SAML 2.0, ADFS, Kerberos authentication)

Authentication with OWIN and WsFederation for MVC, web api and signalR apps

Create a custom WS-Federation Identity Provider using a WCF service

wcf identity ws-federation

WIF- ID1014: The signature is not valid. The data may have been tampered with

What is the relationship between wtrealm, WS-Federation Passive URL and app ID?

BootstrapContext is null on ClaimsIdentity

WS-Federation sign-in Asp.NET 5 MVC 6 ADFS

Federated authentication in Sharepoint 2013: getting rtFa and FedAuth cookies

Intermittent redirection loops during ADFS authentication

OWIN Authentication Pipeline To Use Katana Middleware Correctly?