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New posts in webviewclient

How to get link-URL in Android WebView with HitTestResult for a linked image (and not the image-URL) with Longclick

WebViewClient.onPageStarted( ) called twice when specifying non-existent URL via WebView.loadURL()

What does stopLoading() really do?

Android WebViewClient onReceivedError is not called for a 404 error

Disable Android WebView/WebViewClient Initiated favicon.ico Request

shouldOverrideUrlLoading does not work/catch link clicks while page is loading

Android : EventHub.removeMessages(int what = 107) is not supported before the WebViewCore is set up

Open PDF in a WebView

What is considered onPageFinished in the Android WebViewClient?

Check in the onReceivedSslError() method of a WebViewClient if a certificate is signed from a specific self-signed CA

Enabling specific SSL protocols with Android WebViewClient

Android - how to intercept a form POST in android WebViewClient on API level 4

Android 4.4 giving ERR_CACHE_MISS error in onReceivedError for WebView back

Android - Open target _blank links in WebView with external browser

Intercept and override HTTP requests from WebView

Are WebViewClient and WebChromeClient mutually exclusive?

Enabling general JavaScript in WebViewClient

What's the difference between setWebViewClient vs. setWebChromeClient?

Android webview launches browser when calling loadurl