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New posts in web-component

Why Polymer Project (Web Components) isn't famous yet in comparison to other approach?

How can I render a <template /> tag with react?

Localization in Polymer?

How to access attributes within Angularjs's v1.5 component?

Import HTML document using HTML link rel

Dynamically load Web Components / HTML Imports?

Which Polymer Datepicker

polymer web-component

Does IOS Safari support Shadow DOM?

Main differences between lit-element & React [closed]

Private non-static variables in polymer?

Can Web Components be used to create custom input elements?

Passing a binding to transcluded scope in component

Best way to communicate between instances of the same web component with Polymer?

External stylesheets for shadow dom in web components

Use of Template with HTML Custom Elements

Do web components allow for nesting of HTML forms?

html forms web-component

Extend Ember component without changing template [closed]

ember.js web-component

HTML5 template not working on Internet Explorer, how to solve it?

Styling a child of a shadow root in Shadow DOM

Web Component - Internal Browser Caching