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New posts in war

Gradle: 'dependsOn' to task in other subproject

gradle dependencies war

How do Apache httpd and Tomcat work together?

Setting default application in tomcat 7

Deploying in tomcat with exception: Cannot find operation isServiced

Spring-Boot Logging configuration when deployed as .war

tomcat war logback spring-boot

how to deploy war/ear file from command line in weblogic

weblogic war

Create war file from Spring:boot project in Eclipse

How to create a WAR file using the commandline?

maven jboss war pom.xml siesta

How do you manage embedded configuration files and libraries in java webapps?

How to create a debian package for a war file for Ubuntu

debian war

Is there are way to patch jar files?

java jar patch war

Proguard obfuscate only /WEB-INF/classes/**/*.class files in my war

java war proguard

Why use an ear instead of a war?

jakarta-ee war packaging ear

How to handle Maven WAR overlays in Eclipse?

How to create an war file in Eclipse without ant or maven?

eclipse servlets war

When is it appropriate to use an EAR and when should your apps be in WARs?

java spring weblogic war ear

Tomcat 8 integration with Maven

java eclipse maven tomcat war

Is web.xml required to deploy a spring boot application

How are Java applications deployed in the "real world"?

java deployment jar war ear

How to package the project to war in play2?

war playframework-2.0