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New posts in video.js

Is there a way to include a custom http header in a <video> source call?

Why video is not playing, first time it will play on dynamically changing it will not play

HTML5 video being downloaded 'twice' for no reason

How can I make a full width videojs v5 progress bar?

css video.js

Seeking in video.js player not possible in Chrome

Video.js : show big play button at the end


Some general doubts about video.js [closed]

html5-video video.js

How to detect iOS leaving fullscreen video?

video.js - update video source when clicking on a link

Howto place the start button in the middle of the clip


How can I listen for the "timeupdate" event from my video.js player?

javascript html video.js

Triggering a video autoplay based on scroll position

javascript jquery video.js

How do I add multiple audio tracks from my array list

javascript jquery video.js

How can I zoom into video and switch streaming of videos in the same HTML5 player?

video.js - find the start time of a seek during playback

javascript html video.js

Cannot dynamically change a caption 'track' in Video.js

dynamic video.js captions