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New posts in vert.x

Generate OpenAPI spec for vertx project

java swagger vert.x openapi

Does Vert.x has real concurrency for single verticles?

Is it possible to avoid serialization when using the Vert.x eventbus 'locally' (java, single jvm)?

java vert.x event-bus

Vertx unit-test blocking the main thread

java vert.x

How to manage connected users over websocket using Vert.x 3?

java websocket vert.x

How to open Swagger-ui from vert.x

How to correlate log events in distributed Vertx system

logging distributed vert.x

How vert.x is single threaded?

How to block thread to wait for response in vert.x?

Spring Webflux vs Vert.x

vertx - how to read stream from executable program async

java vert.x

Asynchronous (non-blocking) version of synchronized(){}

java akka vert.x

Vert.x java List<Futures> parameterization

java list future vert.x

Verticles and uncaught exceptions


What is the difference between future and promise in vertx?

promise future vert.x

Stop vertx verticle in Eclipse

java eclipse vertx3 vert.x

can vert.x event bus replace the need for Kafka?

vert.x Wait for reply on multiple messages

Vertx-web: where do I place webroot folder?

java vert.x

Run Vertx in an IDE