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vagrant with multiple sync'd folders [closed]


Error VT-x not available for Vagrant machine inside Virtualbox

Specify Vagrantfile path explicity, if not plugin

Using vagrant and homestead for multiple sites and per project installation

php laravel vagrant homestead

JS and CSS files in vagrant not properly encoded when saved outside of the VM

How to automatically select bridged network interfaces in Vagrant?

There was an error while executing `VBoxManage`, a CLI used by Vagrant for controlling VirtualBox. windows 10

Vagrant Error: Unable to Mount VirtualBox Shared Folders (Guest Additions, vboxsf)

How to access Vagrant Box in public network

vagrant vagrantfile

How to connect to Docker API from another machine?

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Tell Vagrant the ip of the host machine

How do I SSH into the boot2docker host vm that the Vagrant 1.6 Docker Provider sets up?

vagrant docker boot2docker

How is deployment to Production done from local VirtualBox / Vagrant development environment?

Vagrant up error in headless Ubuntu: The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it to boot

ubuntu state vagrant headless

In Vagrant which is better out of halt and suspend?

vagrant virtual-machine

Vagrant: how to configure multiple NICs within a Vagrantfile?

networking vagrant

Vagrant provisioning shell vs puppet vs chef

Setting a VM's mac address in Vagrant

mac-address vagrant

Unable to connect to Vagrant private network from host

How to enable internet access inside Vagrant?

vagrant vagrantfile