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New posts in vagrant

Can't connect Websocket when using vagrant envirionment

php linux websocket vagrant

Can single Vagrantfile have both AWS and VirtualBox providers at same time?

Permission not maintained for newly created files while using vagrant

ubuntu laravel vagrant

Allow vagrant to access host internet

virtualbox vagrant

Pre-existing MySQL data with Vagrant / VirtualBox

mysql virtualbox vagrant nfs

Unable to create the cache directory (/vagrant/app/cache/dev)

apache symfony ubuntu vagrant

Vagrant Ansible provisioning SSH error

vagrant ansible

Vagrant Vhost domains (app.dev) You cannot visit right now because the website uses HSTS. on Chrome

Unable to install PHP packages with apt-get, gives "E: Unable to locate package"

php linux ubuntu vagrant apt

how to configure colors in vagrant ssh bash

Node Debug From Vagrant

Installing Node, NPM (and then Grunt and Bower globally) in Vagrant

node.js npm vagrant bower

Conditionally call different provision in Vagrantfile

vagrant vagrantfile

Laravel Homestead Vagrant - 'vboxsf' not available issue

Multiple Homestead Boxes

How to package files with a Vagrant box?

vagrant shell script failing with unexplained error ```read-only file system(runtimeerror)```


How to switch Vagrant virtual machine?

ubuntu virtualbox vagrant

Vagrant aborted at end of Jenkins job

jenkins vagrant

Vagrantfile opening in SublimeText by default as Ruby extended file

vagrant sublimetext3