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Is there a way to get kitchen to use the Vagrantfile?


Share one Vagrant instance between different directories


Push to a remote origin on a subfolder of git repository?

Vagrant 2 way folder sync

symfony vagrant

Prompt during Chef provision

vagrant chef-infra perforce

Vagrant error: Failed to mount folders in Linux guest

vagrant virtualbox

Vagrant VMWare Plugin - Show VM in VMWare Workstation

'vagrant up' not working while installing homestead on ubuntu 14.04

Can't Get Clean Vagrant Box "Remove" or "Destroy"

How execute commands as another user during provisioning on Vagrant?

How to template Vagrantfile using Ruby?

Multiple virtual hosts - This site can’t be reached Vagrant/Virtualbox

dns ip vagrant virtualbox hosts

PM2 on vagrant - starting app AFTER shared folder is mounted

node.js vagrant pm2

run python script on vagrant up

python vagrant vagrantfile

Why Prometheus pod pending after setup it by helm in Kubernetes cluster on Rancher server?

Setting a default value in Vagrantfile if env. variable not set

ruby vagrant

Ansible and MariaDB. Can't install MariaDB through playbook

ubuntu vagrant mariadb ansible

ansible sudo_user hangs for a few minutes and then fails (in a centos6.5.1 vagrant vm)

vagrant ansible

Vagrant can t require log4r

vagrant homestead - public network not working on osx

macos vagrant virtualbox