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New posts in utf-8

Is it significantly better to use ISO-8859-1 rather than UTF-8 wherever possible?

C# System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory - create directory with utf-8 characters?

c# utf-8

Java String.getBytes("UTF8") JavaScript analog

How to decode this representation of a unicode string in Python? [duplicate]

python utf-8 gmail-imap

Freemarker utf-8 encoding problems on t.page

PHP: strpos & substr with UTF-8

php utf-8 strpos

Ftp create a filename with utf-8 chars such as greek, german etc

c# encoding utf-8 ftp

UTF-7 on website?

unicode encoding utf-8

Combining accent and character into one character in java 7

java unicode utf-8 normalize

How to make the output from Text::CSV utf8?

perl csv encoding utf-8

Char array to byte array in UTF-8 without using String or Charset

java encryption encoding utf-8

Nodejs - unable to create utf-8 file

node.js utf-8

What causes my XML to break?

xml encoding utf-8

Reading a UTF-8 Unicode file through non-unicode code

c++ unicode utf-8 text-files

How do I get the length of a Perl Unicode string input via Ajax or CGI?

ajax perl unicode utf-8

Codeigniter's url_title() change UTF8 Characters to specified Latin

php codeigniter utf-8 routing

HTML in Russian

How are surrogate pairs calculated?

unicode utf-8

Converting to UTF-8 (again)

store polish characters mysql

mysql database utf-8