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New posts in usb

How to recover from a stall in chrome.usb?

Android 5.0 Lollipop - Nexus 10 restarting and USB Debugging not detected?

Developing a smartcard reader in Android

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Using a USB printer with C#, with and without driver or API

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Docker container can't see a serial port device

Reading from Android USB Accessory throws ENODEV IOException

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How to communicate with USB 3G modem?

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Virtual USB device for Windows?

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Find available USB devices Mac OS X

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How to control a serial device on Android?

How to test battery charging speed?

Listen to USB keyboard with Python

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iOS 13 Image Capture API for accessing external camera's filesystem?

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Turn on PC with USB-device

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Do I need to write my own host side USB driver for a CDC device

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Can the physical USB port be identified programmatically for a device in Windows?

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Turn USB power off/on with BeagleBone Black kernel >= 3.8

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Monitor USB drives and retrieve device Info using a DeviceWatcher?

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Mac OS analog to /dev/ttyUSBxx

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