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New posts in usb

Using libusb on Android without rooting

Send data through USB from Android App to PC

android usb

Find which drive corresponds to which USB mass storage device in WinXP

USB for embedded devices - designing a device driver/protocol stack

embedded usb device-driver

Is there a way to communicate with USB devices from browser?

browser usb

Deploy R script in a portable usb form

linux / libusb get usb device path

linux path usb device libusb

Get access to USB device on Linux (libusb-1.0)?

linux usb libusb-1.0

How to identify multiple USB-serial adapters under Ubuntu 10.1

Does anybody know of a USB Postage Scale that's Linux compatible?

linux usb scale

Why does VirtualBox not detect my Android device?

android windows usb virtualbox

How can I cycle a USB device from C#?

c# api stack usb peripherals

How do I reset USB devices using the Windows API?

winapi usb

How can I emulate a COM port, write data to it and read data from it?

java usb serial-port

JavaPOS Hello World in Java

java usb javapos

How to get the data from a USB port in VB.NET

Enabling USB tethering programmatically - there is an app that did it for 2.3

android usb

Google Nexus 5 is not being detected by computer/doesn't appear in device manager [duplicate]

Flash memory as mass storage device using STM32 USB Device Library

usb storage device stm32

python pyusb import usb.core doesn't work

python import usb pyusb