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New posts in upsert

Postgres 9.5+: UPSERT to return the count of updated and inserted rows

postgresql upsert

MySQL "good" way to insert a row if not found, or update it if it is found

Is it possible to upsert nested fields in DynamoDB?

amazon-dynamodb upsert

Mongodb - duplicate fields in $set and $setOnInsert

mongodb upsert

Node.js MongoDB Upsert update

node.js mongodb upsert

AddOrUpdate works not as expected and produces duplicates

Elasticsearch upserting and appending to array

elasticsearch upsert

How to find out if an upsert was an update with PostgreSQL 9.5+ UPSERT?

Is SELECT or INSERT in a function prone to race conditions?

serial in postgres is being increased even though I added on conflict do nothing

Upsert in Rails ActiveRecord

PostgreSQL Upsert differentiate inserted and updated rows using system columns XMIN, XMAX and others

How to correctly do upsert in postgres 9.5

UPSERT in PostgreSQL using jOOQ

java sql postgresql jooq upsert

Does DB2 have an "insert or update" statement?

How can I use use Entity Framework to do a MERGE when I don't know if the record exists?

MongoDB: upsert sub-document

Fast or Bulk Upsert in pymongo

Atomic UPSERT in SQL Server 2005

Bulk insert, update if on conflict (bulk upsert) on Postgres

sql postgresql upsert