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New posts in unity3d

Why Unity provide "enabling toggle" on script when it goes in Editor folder?

c# unity3d editor

Unity - GetComponentsInChildren<T>() return order

c# unity3d initialization

Get the positions of LineRenderer

c# unity3d

Unity SetActive(true) not working after setting it to false at first?

c# unity3d

FindObjectOfType returning null

How to stop an audio when PlayOneShot is used

c# unity3d audio

Unity - force Android hardware acceleration

How can I find child objects of parent object by tag?

c# unity3d

Unity - Move Script-Files to other directory without reference loss

c# unity3d directory

I can not scale my Canvas in unity


How to check if device has been rotated on all axis in Unity

c# unity3d

Unity wall climbing 2D

c# unity3d

Use MoveTowards with duration instead of speed

c# unity3d lerp

Find localPlayer when all players have same name

Unity, get the "actual" current Terrain?

c# unity3d unity3d-terrain

Find and change property name in a shader

c# unity3d

How do you reset or reimport, plugins, in Unity / Mac?

Unity - Get Random Color at Spawning

c# unity3d random spawn

Unity to iOS, info.plist Overwritten After PostProcessBuild

OmniSharp server throws System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'netstandard, When Opening Unity Project