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Why do I need a UNIQUE constraint on a column if my application already validates the data before saving it?

mysql sql optimization unique

Remove smallest non-unique value from vector

c++ algorithm c++11 unique

Filtering lists

python list unique

Algorithm to create unique random concatenation of items

MySQL insert unique technique

php mysql unique

Extract unique rows from a matrix in numpy with the frequency of each row that was created

python matrix numpy scipy unique

Node.js Mongoose, how to catch error in post save

Unique text field in MySQL and php

php mysql unique salt

How do I prevent MySQL from auto-incrementing the Primary Key while using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE when the duplicate is a different unique column?

mysql key duplicates unique

Django: How to make an unique, blank models.CharField?

django-models unique

How do I obtain summary of each unique id

r unique plyr

Need a SQL statement focus on combination of tables but entries always with unique ID

Unique Index over postgresql partitions

How to enforce "uniqueness" with boolean column (kinda like radio buttons)?

sql sql-server boolean unique

Pandas to_sql make index unique

Select distinct-values according to child node in XQuery

duplicates unique xquery

How to create unique random numbers from a given Random generator

java random numbers unique

CQRS Event Sourcing check username is unique or not from EventStore while sending command