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New posts in unique-constraint

PHP/MySQL Insert distinct array values

SQL Server unique constraint issue on unicode characters

How to allow NULL value for one column in unique index on multiple columns

Using Composite Keys in Microsoft SQL Server

Unique Index over postgresql partitions

How to add a unique constraint using a column from another table?

Unique constraint for repeated values

Cannot swap unique value on two rows with EF

Trap specific named unique constraint exception

Can a multi-field UNIQUE constraint include fields from more than one table?

Hibernate throws unique constraint violation exception while updating field part of unique key

Drop Unique Constraint on Table Column without Knowing the Constraint Name

Is it possible to create a Unique (Index) constraint across multiple tables?

Performance impact of adding unique constraint to existing postgres index

Add a unique constraint but ignore existing table data

How to persist @ManyToMany relation - duplicate entry or detached entity

What is the difference between UNIQUE, UNIQUE KEY and CONSTRAINT 'name' UNIQUE?

SQL Unique constraint across multiple tables

Can PostgreSQL have a uniqueness constraint on array elements?