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New posts in underscore.js

Backbone and bindAll: "func is undefined"

Javascript object group by day,month,year

Underscore.js Find and return element in nested array

javascript underscore.js

Filtering array with underscore.js

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Underscore.js _.tap() function what is a method chain?

Backbone.js Can we not have any tagName?

Weird underscore variable name created in the NodeJS shell [duplicate]

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var undefined = void 0; vs jquery's closure vs ...?

UnderscoreJS group by numerical intervals for histogram

Backbone.js events not being recognized in IE8

knockout with requirejs and underscore to get external templating

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Filtering an object array with duplicate titles and unique description?

correctly implement backbone comparators

_.delay() - killing the timer

javascript underscore.js

Using Jade templates in Backbone.js