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New posts in uglifyjs

Using create react app, and having ES6 dependencies

How can I configure uglifyjs from package.json

Grunt Uglify - How to create a source map for debugging?

Uglify JS Unexpected token operator <<->>, expected punc <<: >>

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Can I instruct Grunt to concat all JS files defined in index.html?

How to add header comments to webpack uglified JavaScript?

UglifyJS property mangling

Typescript: get class name in its own property at compile time

Mangle nested classes and variables with UglifyJS

How to speed up the minification process of UglifyJS 2?

UglifyJS - convert all .js in a folder

UglifyJS 'use strict' statements

How should I use mangle option in uglifyjs?

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unknown property 'optimization'

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Batch File Exits After Running One Node Application Script

The Broccoli Plugin: [UglifyWriter] failed with

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ERROR in bundle.js from UglifyJs

Why uglifyjs doesn't remove dead code?

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Webpack + UglifyJs: how to ignore warnings about 3rd party library code

webpack uglifyjs