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New posts in try-catch

In a @try-@catch-@finally block, is it good use finally or to continue normally?

try with resources introduce unreachable bytecode

Problems with try() inside foreach() in R

try/catch doesn't work in PHP

php try-catch

Print exception with stack trace to file

Skip item when performing map in Swift?

C#: multiple catch clauses

Java: How would I write a try-catch-repeat block?

Java: Try-Catch-Continue?

Python: try-catch-else without handling the exception. Possible?

python exception try-catch

Finally in C++

Does Windows Powershell have a Try/Catch or other error handling mechanism?

Why won't Scala optimize tail call with try/catch?

Nested Try/Catch

c# nested try-catch

using catch(...) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis

How to get the name of the method that caused the exception

Android ACRA with handled exceptions

AppleScript: on error (try) line number

JSLint error: Expected 'ignore' and instead saw 'ex'

C# Compiler should give warning but doesn't?