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New posts in transient

In Rails, is there a way to specify a TYPE you'd like an attr_accessor to be, and validate it using built-in Rails validation?

Java - why transient member variables used so widely in Java standard library?

java transient

Castle Windsor: Will my transient component be garbage collected?

Can properties mapped in hbm.xml be transient?

Java Serialization with Transient Field

ManagedProperty of SessionScope inside a ViewScoped Bean - Transient?

Any real time example for transient variable in java

java serializable transient

A transient final field used as a lock is null

Core Data Transient Calculated Attributes

core-data transient

readObject() vs. readResolve() to restore transient fields

Transient REST Representations

Gson deserialize and serialize transient field

java json gson transient

Should I declare injected variables as transient in Java EE?

Why would I use a transient attribute to represent a derived read only property in core data?

core-data transient

Using Transient Entity in Hibernate to Update/Merge an existing Persistent Object

Persistent and transient objects - confused about terminology

What is the effect of static final transient in Java?

java static final transient

NSSortDescriptor on transient attribute for NSFetchedResultsController

@Transient not working in hibernate

java hibernate transient

Why is there no peek! function for clojure transient vectors?