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New posts in transactional

How do you test Spring @Transactional without just hitting hibernate level 1 cache or doing manual session flush?

Spring multiple @Transactional datasources

java spring jpa transactional

Spring @Transactional does not work in JUnit test?

Spring: HibernateTransactionManager handling multiple datasources

python mysql delete statement not working

python sql transactional

Can a git repository be corrupted if a command modifying it crashes or is aborted?

git crash transactional

Spring @Transactional not creating required transaction

spring jpa transactional

Spring: automatic rollback on checked exceptions

java spring transactional

Spring @Transaction not starting transactions

Differences between the Grails @Transactional vs. the Spring @Transactional annotations

For web MVC Spring app should @Transactional go on controller or service?

Spring @Transactional with synchronized keyword doesn't work

@Transactional annotation works with saveAndFlush?

Difference between transactional and non-transactional

Spring Propagation examples in layman's terms

Why does @Transactional save automatically to database

spring jpa transactional

How to use spring transaction in multithread

Transactional saves without calling update method

Why we shouldn't make a Spring MVC controller @Transactional?

@Transactional method calling another method without @Transactional anotation?