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New posts in thinking-sphinx

Thinking Sphinx and acts_as_taggable_on plugin

Thinking sphinx - index for join with condition (has_and_belongs_to_many)

Rails paginate existing array of ActiveRecord results

Can thinking-sphinx ransack work together?

Thinking sphinx fuzzy search?

sphinx thinking-sphinx

Thinking Sphinx Rake aborted, searchd is running while rebuilding or start/stop ts. Index works fine

How can I temporarily disable delta indexing with Thinking Sphinx?

How to use Multi-Value Attributes (MVA) and facets together in Thinking Sphinx?

update thinking sphinx index in ruby code

Thinking Sphinx with a date range

undefined method `next_result' for Mysql2 (rails 3)

Does Heroku support Thinking Sphinx?

Rake task aborted, undefined method 'indexes' for Thinking Sphinx?

Thinking sphinx doesn't start - "Failed to start searchd daemon"

Any ideas why Thinking Sphinx Rake tasks are not running?

How to implement faster Search As You Type (SAYT) api in Rails 3 application

How to test ThinkingSphinx using RSpec

How do I add the condition "IS NOT NULL" to a Thinking Sphinx search

Error with configuring thinking sphinx and flying sphinx