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New posts in tensorflow-estimator

tensors are from different graphs

Automatically save Tensorboard-like plot of loss to image file

TensorFlow 1.10+ custom estimator early stopping with train_and_evaluate

Loading trained Tensorflow model into estimator

Why does the TensorFlow Estimator API take inputs as a lambda?

Tensorflow 1.10 TFRecordDataset - recovering TFRecords

When to use an iterator in Tensorflow Estimator

How to augment data in tensorflow tfrecords?

TensorFlow Custom Estimator - Restore model after small changes in model_fn

Is it possible to restore a tensorflow estimator from saved model?

Tensorflow - How to use the GPU instead of a CPU for tf.Estimator() CNNs

How to fix "module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'estimator' " error

How to switch between training and validation dataset with tf.MonitoredTrainingSession?

Module 'tensorflow.tools.docs.doc_controls' has no attribute 'inheritable_header'

Can't use estimator + dataset and train for less than one epoch

How to control frequency of loss logging messages when using tf.Estimator

Tensorflow estimator: average_loss vs loss