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New posts in tensorflow-datasets

How to create train, test and validation splits in tensorflow 2.0

Inference with a model trained with tf.Dataset

How to use properly Tensorflow Dataset with batch?

How to load numpy array in a tensorflow dataset

Using Tensorflow Datasets and Estimators with More Data than Ram

Tensorflow parsing and reshaping float list in Dataset.map()

How to replace the input of a saved graph, e.g. a placeholder by a Dataset iterator?

Using flat_map in Tensorflow's Dataset API

Why would this dataset implementation run out of memory?

Using tensorflow's Dataset pipeline, how do I *name* the results of a `map` operation?

Dataset API does not pass dimensionality information for its output tensor when using py_func

Input multiple files into Tensorflow dataset

tensors are from different graphs

How can I access the filenames gathered by tf.data.Dataset.list_files()?

How to use feedable iterator from Tensorflow Dataset API along with MonitoredTrainingSession?

Is Tensorflow Dataset API slower than Queues?

tf.Data: what are stragglers in parallel interleaving?

optimal size of a tfrecord file

How do I add a new feature column to a tf.data.Dataset object?

Tensorflow Dataset .map() API