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New posts in tensor

How to reshape a tensor with multiple `None` dimensions?

tensorflow reshape tensor

Difference between 3D-tensor and 4D-tensor for images input of DL Keras framework

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How to use Eigen::Tensor::convolve with multiple kernels?

How can I trim / remove part of a Tensor to match the shape of another Tensor with PyTorch?

python pytorch tensor

tf.tape.gradient() returns None for certain losses

tensorflow tensor

return the top_k masked softmax of each row for a 2D tensor

How do I mutate value of a tensor in Tensorflow.js?

How to shuffle tensor in tensorflow? error:No gradient defined for operation 'RandomShuffle'

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Flatten Tensor in Pytorch Convolutional Neural Network (size mismatch error)

Changing the np array does not change the Torch Tensor automatically?

Extracting blocks from block diagonal PyTorch tensor

python pytorch tensor diagonal

How to index/slice the last dimension of a PyTorch tensor/numpy array of unknown dimensions

numpy pytorch tensor

Nested while loop in tensorflow

tensorflow keras tensor

Why PyTorch nn.Module.cuda() not moving Module tensor but only parameters and buffers to GPU?

python pytorch gpu tensor

How can I get the MSE of a tensor across a specific dimension?

Reading/writing pyarrow tensors from/to parquet files

numpy parquet tensor pyarrow

Tensorflow what is the difference between None, -1 and ? when specifying tensor shape?

Matlab - Accessing a part of a multidimensional array

arrays matlab tensor

"RuntimeError: expected scalar type Double but found Float" in Pytorch CNN training

Porting PyTorch code from CPU to GPU

python torch pytorch tensor