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Flash Message disappears on redirect in Symfony 2.1

How to get error message after entity validation

Symfony2 KnpMenuBundle: set active a menu item even when its not on that menu

Symfony2 and Google API integration

Doctrine doesn't map fields from FOSUserBundle User class

Assetic files in symfony are behind the firewall?

Get all errors along with fields the error is connected to

php symfony symfony-2.1

Changing locale with symfony 2.1

php symfony symfony-2.1

Symfony 2.1 REST API login to everywhere

php symfony symfony-2.1

How can I implemented a Doctrine2 filter based on a relation?

Referencing translation inside of another translation

symfony symfony-2.1

Symfony 2: Access updated configuration from inside a command

Symfony2 and Doctrine: how to fetch two different object for the same id?

Can't generate bootstrap file in Symfony 2.1.1

symfony symfony-2.1

How to customize DataTransformer error message in Symfony?

Event Listener not registered or called on Doctrine Event

Dynamic filter with liipImagineBundle

Symfony Twig Form Theming of specific fields

symfony2.1 bundle version confusion, for symfony and sonata admin / knp menu bundle

Symfony 2.1 set locale