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New posts in swift4

Type conversion with Swift 4's Codable

json swift swift4 codable

Setting textView.typingAttributes foreground color in Swift 4

Override of instance method form extension depends on deprecated inference of '@objc'

ios swift swift4

Swift Codable protocol with recursive enums

Change UIAlertController's title fontsize

Wrapping a generic method in a class extension

swift swift4

SelectedTintColor of Segment Control is not rounded corner on iOS 13

RxSwift in swift 4, binding data to a tableview

In Swift 4, how can you assign to a keypath when the type of the keypath and value are generic but the same?

generics swift4

How to present ViewController in modaly swift 4

Parsing JSON using Decodable in Swift 4

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Custom SessionManager in Alamofire 4.7 cancels immediately

ios alamofire swift4

Getting full address string from CLPLacemark using Swift 4 / Xcode 9

ios xcode9 swift4 clplacemark

Initialization of NSAttributedString is crashing application

ios swift swift4 crashlytics

How to define variable with type of Codable?

Expression type '(_, _.Stride) -> _' is ambiguous without more context

swift swift4

Swift 4 Copy arrays by value

arrays swift swift4

Swift 4 - UITextfield border radius color issue

Change UINavigationbar background colour and title font/colour programmatically

Swift 4 Cannot convert value of type '[String : AnyObject]?' to expected argument type '[NSAttributedStringKey : Any]?'

swift4 xcode9