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New posts in swift4.2

UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask is not working on iOS 13

ios13 swift4.2

Why is the Swift compiler marking this as an error?

CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() returns alwaysInUse even when authorizedWhenInUse selected in device settings

URLRequest equality doesn't include httpBody

swift urlrequest swift4.2

Upload image with multipart form-data only in Swift 4.2

Error with notification names while converting code to Swift 4.2

How to check a UIView placed inside of UIImage portion or not in iOS?

Xcode 10 not being able to archive project

ios xcode xcode10 swift4.2

Swift Catch Pattern that binds the error to a variable

fatal error encountered while deserializing SIL global "UIEdgeInsetsZero"

Swift 4.2 imagePickerController issue

Xcode 10 convert to Swift 4.2 fails

ios swift xcode xcode10 swift4.2

Xcode 10, LLDB: Couldn't IRGen expression

lldb xcode10 swift4.2

Expected to decode Int but found a number instead

Swift 4.2: [Swift._EmptyArrayStorage _getValue:forType:]: unrecognized selector

Invalid redeclaration of 'variable.storage' in Swift 4.2 after updating to Xcode 10.2

swift4.2 swift5 xcode10.2

AVAudioSession setCategory availability in Swift 4.2

Type 'NSNotification.Name' has no member 'keyboardDidShowNotification'

UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect' has been replaced by instance method 'CGRect.inset(by:)

ios swift xcode swift4.2

DispatchQueue : Cannot be called with asCopy = NO on non-main thread