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New posts in string-matching

How to search for a part of a dictionary key?

Python Fuzzy matching strings in list performance

Identify Columns Index Matching Given Vector of String

How to use regex for jasmine matchers

Use Regular Expressions (or another python module) to compare text/characters?

how to check if a word appears as a whole word in a string in Lua

How can I find the first occurrence of a substring occurring after another substring in python?

Shortest Repeating Sub-String

JavaScript equivalent to C strncmp (compare string for length)

How to search a string of key/value pairs in Java

java regex string-matching

Probabalistic String Matching in Python

Fuzzy record matching with multiple columns of information

android < 2.3 and java.text.Normalizer

Algorithm to match one input file with given numbers of file

How to predict correct country name for user provided country name?

How can I get the precise common "max.distance" value for fuzzy string matching using agrep?

r string-matching agrep

elegant way to match two wildcarded strings

Find matching strings between two vectors in R

How to split a string after every 10 words?

java string string-matching

Longest Common Prefix Array