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New posts in string-formatting

Maximum characters printable by printf in C

How to get all string format parameters

Python-equivalent string formatting with dictionary in Perl with hashes

how to set binding stringformat to all DataGridTextColumn controls?

formatting value in a string to have a decimal separator

Int number 0000 cocos2d

'{:08b}' .format(i) Equivalent in Python 2.x

string.Format() on double values gives inaccurate results

Can the string formatter be parametrized with variables?

Change Date Format to ddth mmm,yyyy

StringFormat in GroupBox header binding doesn't seem to work

Is this printf format possible (left-justify sign and no sign on zero)?

How to print an object's representation using the string format function?

Python string formatting - combine named placeholder and float formatter for the same argument?

Using string.Format for simple things?

Why does this JavaScript function return: "0:0function toString() { [native code] }"?

Why \n does not work in Log.Info method?

String.format won't allow int

How to use variables for width and precision in str.format()?

WPF - ToolTip Binding with stringformat