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New posts in storekit

iOS StoreKit - When to call - (void)restoreCompletedTransactions?

ios objective-c storekit

SKProductsRequestDelegate failure

Unresolved Identifier - SKErrorPaymentCancelled [duplicate]

ios xcode swift swift2 storekit

SKPayementQueue: restoring transactions finishes without calling 'updatedTransactions' in release config but not debug config

How to restore non-renewing Apple subscriptions

ios storekit in-app

SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed, but no NSError

storekit in-app-purchase

ios InApp purchases: When and why does SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored get sent back as status of a transaction?

How do I associate a user with an auto-renewable subscription involving Apple's status notifications?

ios objective-c swift storekit

SKStoreReviewController requestReview method takes time to display and app get stuck until ReviewController presented

ios storekit review

SKStoreProductViewController and GKHostedAuthenticateViewController don't have iPhone landscape modes

SKProductsRequest not working in iOS 11 Simulators

Convert NSData to base64encoded AND a byte array in C#

StoreKit: Catch failed restore?

App crash on [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:observer];

iphone ios storekit

paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished: is returning an empty queue when it should have transactions in it

objective-c ios storekit

In-App-Purchase takes too long time to show confirmation alert view

iOS In-App Purchases: Sandbox Invalid Product ID