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New posts in stored-functions

Dynamic SELECT INTO in PL/pgSQL function

Postgresql Create Trigger Before Deleting A Row

How to properly loop in a stored function on MySQL?

Generate a random number of non duplicated random number in [0, 1001] through a loop

MySql calling stored function from within a stored procedure causing error

How to use goto label in MySQL stored function

mysql goto stored-functions

Recursive stored functions in MySQL

Using variables as OFFSET in SELECT statments inside mysql's stored functions

mysql stored-functions

Optimizing a stored function call in SELECT and WHERE clauses

mysql stored-functions

How to use variables in "EXECUTE format()" in plpgsql

Error Code: 1422. Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger

Is there a PL/SQL pragma similar to DETERMINISTIC, but for the scope of one single SQL SELECT?

Stored procedure does not exist, even after creating it

How to throw an error in MySql procedure?

Testing performance of Scalar vs Table-valued functions in sql server

Compute 2,3 quartile average in SQL

Search 'grep-alike' through PostgreSql functions

Why is it not recommended to use server-side stored functions in MongoDB?

How to use Table output from stored MYSQL Procedure

How to edit PostgreSQL stored procedure?