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C++ STL - why use !(w < *i) rather than (w==*i)

c++ stl

Recursive generic function used as a predicate, compilation failure

How to apply std::accumulate algorithm for associative containers?

Does boost::variant work with std::string?

c++ boost stl variant wstring

Difference in memory layout of vector of pairs and vector of structs containing two elements - C++/STL

c++ memory stl

Replace multiple characters in a string with one char

c++ stl

How can I define a macro/typedef/etc for tr1::unordered_map that doesn't bind the template arguments?

Including <sstring> header - file not found?

xcode stl header-files

Generating all size k subsets of {0, 1, 2, ... n-1}

c++ stl

push_back versus operator[] assignment in c++ vectors

c++ vector stl push-back

STL Allows Erasing a map's key/value using an iterator pointing to a different map?

c++ stl stdmap erase

C++ Copy a vector of pair<int,int> to a vector<int>

How can I perfectly forward arguments to a STL collection?

c++ performance stl

Why std::next does not accept InputIterator?

c++ c++11 stl

How can I sort a vector containing pair<int,int> elements? Sorting is done as per the compare function

c++ sorting vector stl

C++ 11 Move Semantics and STL Containers

c++ c++11 stl

C++ vector resized with no reason

c++ vector stl

C++ vector of fixed size vecors

c++ stl

C++ : "reset" std::next_permutation()

c++ algorithm stl

Split a vector into 2 subranges without reallocating memory

c++ stl