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New posts in static-initialization

Default value for struct parameter

Why is the order of destruction of these function-local static objects NOT the inverse of their order of initialization?

Indirect recursion, dependent static variables

Is what constitutes a failed initialization of block-scope static or thread storage duration variables underspecified?

Is it possible to ensure that a function is only called during the 'static initialization' step

Static final variable initialization (in Java) incorrect during Kotlin CI Tests

Is initialization of local static function-object thread-safe?

Is it safe to create and use vectors during static initialization?

std::atexit ordering when called from a global object's constructor

Static initialization by JVM

Can threads be safely created during static initialization?

Class with private constructor and static array of itself

Static pointer to object initialization thread-safety

Trouble launching CUDA kernels from static initialization code

c++ static template members initialization issue

Initialize static std::map with non copyable value in a uniformed inline initialization

Application-wide configuration of Lambdaj FinalClassArgumentCreators. Where and how to do it?

non-deferred static member initialization for templates in gcc?

Destruction order of statically initialized, non-literal objects

Can I access a static local while it is being constructed in C++?