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New posts in sql-server-2008-express

SQL Express 2008 - what's a reasonable application size for its 'limitations'?

How can I export a SQL Server 2008 database?

full text search using sql server 2008

Merging column values in many to many relationship joins

What is the default username and password of my SQL Server Express?

Does SQL Server 2008 express allow remote connections?

How do I grant a database role execute permissions on a schema? What am I doing wrong?

SQL Server 2008 Express Edition - how to create a sequence

SQL: Deleting duplicate records in SQL Server

c# 2008 SQL Server Express Connection String

Save password for ODBC connection to MS SQL server from MS Access 2007

Visual studio 2010 and Sql Server

Using SQL server 2008 for ASP.net 2.0 Membership provider

SQL Server: How to change name in a view?

Can't connect to server on SQL Server Management Studio 2008

SQL server "Cannot send mails to mail server" "Failure sending mail"

How to expire a particular row in SQL Server once a date is reached?

.mdf is too new (661) my database supports version 655

An explicit value for the identity column in table 'customers' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON [duplicate]

SQL - "Save results as CSV" - use comma instead of Semi-Colon