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New posts in sql-server-2005

What is the best method for checking if a file exists from a SQL Server 2005 stored procedure?

Since there is no Sqlserver array parameter, what's the best way to proceed?

Collation Problem - SQL Server 2005

Check for existence of an XML Schema Collection?

How do i add a column to a fact table 'after' it is already deployed and populated?

Determine available disk size with a sql query

Is there an equivalent to typedef in Transact-SQL?

sql: compare 2 strings without considering accents and other stuff îăţş = iats (<-should be equal)

Is there any single sql command to export entire database from one sql server to another?

Sql server vs MS Access performance

Last modification date for a live SQL Server 2005 database

Additional characters are coming during bulk insert

insert and convert null to 0

sql sql-server-2005

how to check if there data range between 2 given dates?

How do I connect an SQL database to Lotus Domino Designer?

What is the alternative for outer apply?

sql sql-server-2005 tsql

Subtracting from a date the number of days in SQL Server

What is the significance of [1] in Xquery

INSERT or UPDATE table from another table with composite primary key

Why doesn't SQL Server fail when the result of an UPDATE is ambiguous?