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New posts in sql-server-2005

Best method to search hierarchical data

NHibernate, SQL Server - enum to int mapping

varbinary to literal varchar copy in SQL Server 2005

Slow SQL performance

sql sql-server-2005

Calling one stored procedure within another stored procedure using variables from first stored procedure

SQL Server Trigger - Send Message to Queue

Does the C# Convert.ToDateTIme function read date as "dd/mm/yyyy" or "mm/dd/yyyy"?

SQL Grouping around gaps

Upload / Download file from SQL Server 2005/2008 from WinForms C# app?

How to execute T-SQL for several databases whose names are stored in a table?

SQL server deadlock between INSERT and SELECT statement

How to drop and recreate and primary key index using SMO with SQL Server?

c# .net sql-server-2005 smo

len of varbinary

sql sql-server-2005

Deletion of duplicate records using one query only

sql sql-server-2005

Self referencing foreign-key constraints and delete

subquery or leftjoin with group by which one is faster?

how to get records of previous day using tsql?

sql sql-server-2005 tsql

Is a REPLACE INTO query good practice?

Get first/last row of n-th consecutive group

What are the consequences of not closing database connection after an error?